Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This is the Real Life

have you ever noticed....

Have you ever wondered why we do some of the things we do? I was noticing some things I do as I was cleaning house yesterday.
Why when vaccuuming will one just simply not stop and pick up that little piece that can't be suctioned up? One will run over that piece fifty times, lift the vaccuum cleaner up and try to get it that way, but we simply won't pick it up. Determination, I am sure.
Why when taking clothes from the dirty clothes hamper to the utility room, does it have to be in one trip? One will attempt numerous times to pick up that pair of shorts or underwear in order to make one trip. If it falls off again, one will simply kick it across the floor to the destinated place. Again, determination!
Why when taking that big load out of the dryer, again we feel the need to make one trip? One will scoop and scoop and scoop and scoop, but hey, we made in one trip; only to be frustrated when you drop the whole load because you tripped over another load anxiously awaiting its turn.
Why is it that one will spend a whole day cleaning, and when all is done will sit down and admire the DETERMINED work? We relic in our accomplishment and even count how many days until we won't have to clean again. Then children come home from school, husband comes home and living begins. Then you spend the next cleaning up your fresh cleaned house.


Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

I vaccuum the same way. Last night mine wouldn't pick up a cheerio and I just left it there. I'm sure one of the girls will eat it sooner or later!

Lisa Renee said...

I cleaned house while Trent went to the store Sunday night in preparation for a little shindig for Suzanne's birthday. The minute he got home and started cooking it was destroyed! Others helped and I have been trying to get there again ever since! Too Funny.

Klamfam said...

Hey at least you are cleaning! I can't even find the time anymore. We sure miss you....