Since becoming a parent almost 9 years ago, my perception on life has circled many times. When you see life through the eyes of a child, it takes on a different meaning.
Friday, November 03, 2006
our happy halloween
We had a tremendous halloween this year. From carving pumpkins to trick-or-treating, every thing was great! This is AJ, Big Johnson and Syd on a hay ride. One of the realtors in our neighbor hood had a hay ride, free hotdogs and drinks, and lots of treats for the kids. If our neighborhood went this out for halloween, I am scared to see Chistmas! Here are my trick-or-treaters. AJ was a kitty cat (or a tiger as she called herself) and Syd was a fairy. I did not get the picture, but Syd was eating some of her candy and lost her 2nd tooth. What a story to tell about the benefits of eating all the candy. AJ really got into the swing of things. She would run to a door and hold her pumpkin out and then just look at people with those little "kitty cat" eyes. Then she would say thank you real loud and run back to us. I think she got more candy b/c she was so cute and funny. I did not upload a picture of her backside, but she was so protective of her tail. And she is so little, she was just adorable. Here are my cat and fairys' beautiful faces. They were so fun this year. We had an amazing time. Syd said this was her best halloween ever. I have our neighborhood to thank for that. It is a squared off subdivision of 5 streets. Everyone sat out on their porches and waited. Many decorated their garages, porches or had tables set up with decor for all the little ones. I was amazed myself. I do agree with Syd that it was one of our best halloweens ever. Now on to Syd's birthday in two weeks and then on to Thanksgiving and Christmas and then prep for the baby. And we wonder where our time goes........
I have been married to Kirk for 12 years. We have three beautiful girls. Syd is 8, AJ is 5, and Tater is 2. We are in the process of moving to Idalou. I will be teaching 8th grade English and coaching in the high school.
Cute girls!
2 cute! I love their outfits. What a fun night! Hope your doing well with the littlest one! Does she have a name yet?
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